The Choir of King’s College, Cambridge
Henry Websdale & Donal McCann organ
Directed by Stephen Cleobury
Released 24 December 2017
Video download (1080p, 2.7GB / 720p, 1.3GB).
The Choir of King’s College, Cambridge
Henry Websdale & Donal McCann organ
Directed by Stephen Cleobury
Released 24 December 2017
Video download (1080p, 2.7GB / 720p, 1.3GB).
A solo chorister sings Once in Royal David’s City to begin the traditional celebration of Christmas from the candlelit Chapel of King’s College, Cambridge, broadcast by the BBC.
The Choir of King’s College, Cambridge, directed by Stephen Cleobury, sings a glorious selection of carols, including the Sussex Carol (arr. Ledger), O Holy Night (arr. Rutter), Away in a Manger (arr. Willcocks) and O Magnum Mysterium (Lauridsen).
The Christmas story is told in the words of the King James Bible and in poems by Christina Rossetti and Christopher Pilling.
This is a high definition download of Carols from King’s as broadcast by the BBC on Christmas Eve 2017.
Please note: this is a large download that might take several hours to complete, depending on your internet connection. UK licence-fee payers will be able to stream & download this programme for 30 days following broadcast from BBC iPlayer. Download needs to be made to a laptop or desktop computer before transferring to an iPad or iPhone.
Once in royal David’s city arr. Cleobury
Sussex Carol arr. Ledger
Gabriel’s Message arr. Pettman
A Spotless Rose Howells
The Linden Tree Carol arr. Cleobury
There is no rose Joubert
Away in a manger arr. Willcocks
The holly and the ivy arr. Nixon
God rest you merry, Gentlemen arr. Willcocks
The Shepherd’s Carol Chilcott
O holy night! arr. Rutter
We three kings arr. Neary
The Magi’s Dream Whitbourn
Illuminare Jerusalem Weir
The Shepherds’ Farewell Berlioz
O magnum mysterium Lauridsen
O come, all ye faithful arr. Willcocks
Vom Himmel hoch, da komm’ ich her (BWV 606) Bach
The BBC filming in King’s College Chapel ahead of the broadcast of Carols from King’s.
Filmed 10 December 2017, by the BBC, in the Chapel of King’s College, Cambridge, by kind permission of the Provost and Fellows.
Size 2.7GB Video Format Colour NTSC HD 16:9 Audio Format 16bit 48kHz PCM stereo
Subtitle None Menus None Other Download includes service sheet